- What is Smart Delivery?
- Why is this technology important?
- In which applications can Smart Delivery help me?
The SMART-DELIVERY project has the mission to develop and validate new strategies for the sale and delivery of consumer products to the consumer, so that this process is more attractive to the client.
New alternatives will be explored on two fronts: the sales channel (virtual store) the delivery solution (delivery at home). SMART-DELIVERY aims to reduce the need for simultaneous physical presence in both the sales process and final delivery. Therefore, it includes the development of new solutions for the electronic sales channel, as well as a delivery box suitable for fresh products that allows the asynchronous delivery of the product in the customer’s home (or in its vicinity). These two developments impose the need for a third party, an integrated delivery and collection management system, capable of incorporating the requirements of the new developments, both for direct logistics, and the reverse and communication between the supermarket chain, the logistics operator and the end customer.
S2 Grupo is in charge of the following innovations:
- Real-time risk monitoring and risk management. The risks relate to both those related to the IT processes and those related to the logistics chain. To do this, we will define the types of risks that are expected, develop the sensors necessary for online monitoring and determine the corrective actions in real time.
- Recommendations based on the user profile. The aim is to extend the classic algorithms of “shopping basket analysis” using rule based and computational intelligence techniques.
Project co-financed by the Conselleria d’Economia, Industria i Comerç, Generalitat Valenciana within the program Strategic Actions of Industrial Diversification. (Project Number: INIDIV / 2011/072)